3 important tips you can start using to accelerate your studies effectively and efficiently

Timothy Here Again, With the ICAN Exams day getting closer by the day plus inevitable activities such as family commitments, your work pressure etc, demanding for your attention, how do you study productively and concentrate with all these thoughts going zigzag on your mind? This is a question I often get asked by several students…

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The longer you wait for the perfect time, the more difficult and costly it will become to write the exams.

Timothy Here Again, A tutor held a glass of water in his hand and he started asking each student what is the weight of the water. The first student said it’s 0.5kg, another student responded that it is 0.3kg and so on… The lecturer responded that the weight of the glass of water does not…

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What is the best way to study: Quantity of Time vs Quality of Time

Timothy Here Again, It is an obvious fact that March 2024 is almost gone whether you use it well to study or you use it to give excuses and eventually postpone the exam again. It is a matter of choice. How do you sincerely study? Do you spend a quantity of time studying or quality…

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3 simple ways to create and nurture a reading habit…

Timothy Here Again, Frankly, turning reading into a habit would have been great because it means that you will be studying on a consistent basis. it’s surely going to be a herculean task But to create the habit and make it stick, you first need to think about the benefits—what will reading bring you? How…

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 It is your habit and if you don’t change it, things will still continue to be the same…

Timothy Here Again, Why is it so hard to develop and maintain good habits? Because your brain will resist the change. To be fair, your brain certainly loves habits. Why? Because they’re a repetition of certain behaviours over time. The more you repeat them, the more your brain is used to them. Chances are that…

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Are you having a tight Schedule? Use these Methods and Pass your ICAN Exams.

Timothy Here Again, Frankly, if you are a student with a busy schedule and as a result, you are finding it difficult to pass your ICAN Exams. There are other students who have tight schedules as well and they wrote the exams under such conditions and got qualified. What did they do differently? There are…

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Do this now and achieve your ICAN exam success in 2024 whether you are just starting or not.

Timothy Here Again, Under the current circumstances of the political atmosphere, it is normal to have the feeling of no motivation because you need to study daily, and you don’t understand why you are unable to concentrate even if you want to. It’s quite normal whatever you are feeling… Preparing for the ICAN Exam is not…

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To pass you must study daily…To fail just fold your hands and don’t study.

Timothy Here Again, Today is another fresh, new day This is a clear indication that time will never wait for you, whether you are serious about doing what you are supposed to do or you want to keep giving excuses. Most times you just want to hide under the illusion that everything will take care…

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How repetition and practice will help you pass ICAN Exam with ease

Timothy Here Again, It is in the nature of the mind to acquire knowledge by the repetition of its experiences. A thought that is very difficult at first to hold and dwell upon, at last, becomes by constantly held in the mind, a natural and habitual condition. Just as a boy, when commencing to learn…

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This is why you are putting your ICAN exam success at risk.

Timothy Here Again, Like I always say you don’t have control over many things because once any decision is outside your direct reach then it is very likely that you can’t control it. Furthermore, just as you can’t control the weather or predict the next thing that will happen around you. so you can’t predict…

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