Your ICAN May 2023 Diet Result is Out… Let’s Celebrate Your Victory…

Timothy Here Again,

Today is another fresh day and I expect you to celebrate your victory because reward celebration is still part of the game especially if you have been in the race for a long time.

So, it is important you must reward yourself for moving on to the next level or qualifying as an ACA…

Now, if you did not write the May 2023 Exams because of circumstances beyond your control or did not do very well (partly or wholly), I was there, so don’t give up. Keep pushing because now is another opportunity for you to write.

This is another opportunity to evaluate yourself and see where you did not do very well, then get started with your studies starting from Monday. Don’t fall into the emotional circle of self-pity.

Just imagine that your son or daughter did not do well in His or her JAMB Exams, will you advise him or her to abandon it or keep pushing?

In addition, you need to keep your mind in check because as soon as you are about to take the action to write exams, something somewhere must cripple in to distract you. Thereby preventing you from making significant progress in your life.

As a result, you will postpone it again and again, and before you know GBAM!!! it is 10 years and you are still in one spot. ICAN will change the syllabus several times while you still remain in that spot.

Is this what you want? Definitely NO…

You might be wondering that I am very frank with you today. Please it is better that I am serious with you and you smile when your result is released, than to be smiling with you while ICAN is more realistic with you.

So, I want you to burn all bridges and get started with your ICAN Exams immediately, with your early preparation which is just like a solid foundation is to a house, so it is in your studies.

Now, let’s get to work. Get started with your early preparation whether you are just starting or you have written the exams before.

Call or Chat with Admin on 08082366372, 08090820787

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Tim Jibodu, FCA

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