Timothy Here,
A Quitter Never Wins and A Winner Never Quits.- Vince Lombardi
Frankly, combining your exams with other personal engagements, like work and family, is not an easy task.
I remembered in January 2019, a student, Bimbo called me to say that she has postponed her sitting for the exams from May Diet to November Diet that year. Well, this is okay because you cannot stop people from exercising their free will as a human.
In my usual culture, I acknowledged that it is a good decision but probed further. According to her, a personal commitment just came up so she had to “postpone it to the next diet.”
My simple question to her was “how long have you been preparing for the exams?” Her response was sober and she said 7 years. I went further to ask why has she been postponing her exams and her response was ‘one personal engagement or the other or office work will just show up ‘
So, I let her know that when November Diet comes, she will still postpone it to another diet, until she finally gives up on her dream of becoming an ACA. This is because those personal engagements will not stop coming. And that she should not quit her job either.
So, I encouraged her to write 2papers instead of 4. Although writing two papers might increase her cost, taking this simple action will tell her real self, that inner voice that knows her. The voice that will tell her that she is not serious, that she is ready to take the bull by the horn.
She has decided to write FR and MGE (Now called CSME), so she ordered her ICAN Simplified and Comprehensive Video Lectures. Just as it has helped many students pass their ICAN Exams.
That decision she took was the beginning of her ICAN conquest. Currently, Bimbo is now qualified
Hence, don’t give up for any reason. I have shared my own ICAN failure story with you. Forge ahead and have the determination backed by a definite plan for your success.
Don’t forget that life is a game and your ferocious enemy is TIME. Time will not hesitate or doubt or postpone its attack on you. So, Don’t give up!!!
Want to revise with ease and pass your one or two papers, get the simplified and comprehensive lecture videos. Call or chat 08082366372, 08106989785
Or click on the link below to make that choice and stop being a spectator in your career.
Dedicated to your November Exam Success,Tim Jibodu, FCA
P.S. If you are planning to postpone this November 2022 diet just like Bimbo, there is still time for you to write 2 courses because our Simplified and Comprehensive Video lectures have been designed to give you that needed structure and support. Time is Running Out. Decide NOW. Call 08082366372,08090820787
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