Timothy Here Again,
The May 2021 Diet support class on Telegram Continues and today’s class promises to be a special one for those writing CSME and AAA because the lecturers are ready to give you all you need to pass your exams in May 2021
Diet only if you can follow their guide and steps.
CSME holds today between 7:00pm and 9:00pm with AAA from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. So, if you are yet to join our Special Telegram Class for this May 2021 Diet, then you are leaving your success to chance.
In 2019, precisely immediately after the release of the Nov diet results, I received a call from a student who said she will be writing CSME and PM for the 5th time. Let’s call her Destiny.
She called me asking for areas of concentration for both courses. I chuckled and immediately let her know that there is no area of concentration because virtually all topics are interwoven. Besides, there is no shortcut to your exam success. You just have to painstakingly study.
I proceeded to ask how Destiny has been studying, because from my experience, creating the time to study on a consistent basis has always been the problem. She responded that “I have family commitments and my job is not giving me the time. So I studied and attend classes once I have the opportunity”
However, I let her know that she cannot proceed to the next stage if she is not studying for a least one hour daily and consistently. This method is far off, better than studying for 6 hours once per week.
As a result, I recommended that she should do the following if she is serious about passing her exams.
- Get the simplified and comprehensive Lecture Videos ➕ Q&A.
- Join the Support Class on telegram.
- Participate in the Telegram support class by asking questions.
- Study for at least 1 hour daily based on her schedule.
- Concentrate on the Videos and not confuse herself with other materials
- Solve all the questions on the membership site.
- Solve all past and current mock exam questions and compare answers.
She did as I recommended and currently, she is at the final level preparing for 3 courses.
Like Destiny, Want to pass your exams in May 2021 Diet and move on to the next stage or qualify even if you have written the exams before or you are just starting? Get your Simplified and comprehensive Lecture Videos ➕ Q&A. Call or Chat Admin on 08082366372, 08090820787, 08106989785, 08055828090, 08085835127
Or click on the below link
Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu, FCA
PlatinumGold 360 Solutions… Your Online, Offline ICAN Lectures Center in Nigeria With World Wide Service Delivery & Highest Passing Rate At One Sitting, Even If You Have Failed Before or Just Starting.
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