Timothy Here,
When writing an exam, time seems to fall short in life. You have to rush to attend the lectures, compromise on their rest time to prepare notes, and stay awake in the night to complete any assignment. In simpler words, you are always in a race against time.
While you are juggling their life and studies, you also have to take out time for your social life that includes your family, and friends. So if you are writing your professional exams, it is a struggle to keep a balance between the different aspects of their life.
To make life easier for you, we bring here some useful tips that can help you do more in less time. Here they are:
- Plan, Plan, and Plan: Planning is the best way you can have more control over your time. It helps you foresee things and schedule your time accordingly. Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. To keep tabs on your future commitments, you need to set a calendar that includes your entire future engagements so that you know the upcoming events and organize your tasks accordingly.
- Set Your Priorities: A good time management strategy begins with setting your priorities. It is about giving importance to tasks that demand your immediate attention. As a student, it will include your classes, assignments, health, family, and friends. In other words, anything in your life that related to education, health and support system should make it top in your priority list. Now you have to divide your time between these four core areas of life and let the other things wait.
- Make a To-Do List:To-do list is just an extension of prioritizing task. It includes the micro-tasks that you need to accomplish on daily basis in order to achieve your set goals. This will include your entire day-to-day tasks and errands. For example, you can include the groceries that you need to buy on daily basis, the laundry that you have to collect before leaving for the institute or the clothing stuff that you must iron before you hit the sack. With a to-do list, you can do all these essential things in a timely manner.
- Divide Big Tasks Into Small Tasks: Often, we occupy our minds with so many big tasks that we end up doing nothing. For a time-efficient person, the right approach is to divide big tasks into small tasks that can be easily managed. For example, if you want to complete the assignment assigned to you during a particular diet, you can start it by first breaking it down into different parts. Breaking big tasks into small tasks help you manage your study timemore efficiently and you get more control over your life.
- Always Learn to Say NO: Often, we tend to take up extra work of others which add to the burden of responsibilities. While it is okay to help your besties in their bad time, you should not extend your help for every Johnson, Mercy, and Chioma as it will only affect your studies and you will struggle with getting more time. So make a habit of saying “no” so that you don’t have to compromise on the quality time that you want to give your studies.
Dedicated to your Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu ACA, ACTI