Thoughts are things…

Timothy Here Again,

“All professionals, through time, have reached their exam success by toiling for it.” – Tim Jibodu

It’s 3days to your exams and we will continue in addressing the personality in you. Because if your inner world is right, your outer world will be right. That is, after your labour of studying, if you believe in yourself and control any negative thought towards the exams, then your success in the exams will be right.


It is the right mental attitude which seeks good in all the occurrences of life and extracts strength, knowledge and wisdom from them.

Right thoughts are thoughts of cheer, of joy, of hope, of confidence, of courage, of constant love, of large generosity, of faith and trust. These are affirmations that make strong characters that build up personal which make up the progress of the world.

Such thoughts are inevitably followed by right action, by putting effort and energy in work in the accomplishment of some legitimate goal.

If you are among those writing Nov 2020 Diet, I want to thank you for your continuous effort towards your accomplishment. You will definitely make it. Just be calm and be optimistic by concentrating your energy on the positive only.

So, as you continue with your revision, don’t forget to login into the membership area via the below link.

and review those questions and answers thoroughly by understanding the principle and methods, after all, nothing is new under the sun.

For further assistance on how to log in, chat or call Admin on 08106989785 08082366372, 08090820787,08055828090, 08085835127

Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu, FCA

PlatinumGold 360 Solutions…Your Online, Offline ICAN Lectures Center in Nigeria With World Wide Service Delivery & Highest Passing Rate At One Sitting, Even If You Have Failed Before or Just Starting.

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