The only Guidelines for Setting Goals

Timothy Here,

Without a goal life is directionless, meaningless and Purposeless…Tim Jibodu

Recently, I met with few persons that I mentor to discuss how far have they gone with their goals. To my surprise, 90% of them have not really achieve any success. This was due to the fact that their goals did not follow the simple guidelines of goal setting. I simply assumed that anybody should know how set goals properly but I was completely wrong. In fact, some of their goals were not specific and could not be measured.

To buttress this further, In 1953, in a class, the teenage students were told to write their goals and how to achieve those goals. 20 years later, which was 1973, it was revealed that only 3% of the class wrote down their goals and the process of how to achieve them. It was also observed they were very successful more than the 97% combined.

This simply means that there 2 steps in goals settings that is achievable. The first step is to set your goals while the second step is to draw up a step by step method of achieving those goals. However, there are guideline you must follow when setting goals. This exactly what we will be looking at today.

1. Conceivable: Your goal should not be vague, it has to be conceivable not only by you but by anybody else.

2.Believable: Do you really belief in your goal? Or let me say that is your goal believable. Even if you are pretending that your goal is believable, your sub-conscious knows if it is or not.

3.Achievable: Your goal has to be achievable. You can’t just wake and say that you want to beat Tiger woods records in golf. It is not really achievable because when Tiger Woods have been playing golf since he was a boy and as at that time you were busy doing something else.

4.Measurable: Here, your goals should be able to be measured not just by you but by any person.

5.No State of Alternative: here, your should not based on probability. Often, I here people setting their goals on probable assumptions of “either or”. So, it has to be something you really want to do.

6.Controllable: Your goals has to be within your control. Should avoid basing your goals in the hands of external factors that are directly outside your control.

7.Your Goal should not hurt some else: You should try to ensure that your goal does not hurt someone else. For Instance, you set the goals to break someone’s windscreen. It is believable, achievable, conceivable etc. but it will hurt somebody.

Hence, it is highly recommended that you go into the previous goals that you have set, to find out if it meets with above guidelines. A note of warning, as simple as they are never take them for granted.

Dedicated to your success

Tim Jibodu ACA,ACTI


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