Timothy Here Again,
With the ICAN Exams day getting closer by the day plus inevitable activities such as unfavourable government policies, family commitments, work pressure, etc., demanding attention, how do you study productively and concentrate with all these thoughts going zigzag on your mind?
This is a question I often get asked by several students over the years and besides I have been there and I know what it means. Here are a few useful tips you can start using to accelerate your studies effectively and efficiently and Pass your exams with ease.
1. When studying, do your best to avoid distractions. Switch off your mobile phone, TV. etc.
2. Prepare your mind – for your studies. That is why it is important to study with a structured time table so that you will always be psychologically prepared for your studies.
3. Concentrate for 30 minutes and take a break of 5 minutes. During break don’t check your mobile, TV or talk to someone. Similarly, break time means, drink water, meditate, etc
The above strategy is 100% workable and is a great way to enhance and improve your study performance.
I hope it works!
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to decide afterall, every hour, minute and second is a decision time. You just have to choose whether you like it or not.
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Tim Jibodu, FCA
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