Stop focusing your thoughts, time and energy on your fear of the ICAN writing exam instead do this…

Timothy Here Again

It is less than 59 days to your ICAN November  2024 Diet Exams. Without any doubt fear and anxiety will be on your mind, especially if you are just starting to study due to your busy schedule.

If you are yet to register for your ICAN Exams, kindly do that now or worst-case scenario, I will recommend that you make your exam payment on or before the end of the month of October.

Back to today’s business…

Fear and anxiety are normal feelings you experience not only in an exam situation but in other aspects of life, from investment to relationships, to career, etc.

So, if you look into yourself, your mind, your soul, and your heart, you will find nothing really wrong with the exams you are writing in less than 2 months’ time. So the question is

-Why do you worry?
-What is there to fear?
-What are you really afraid of?

-Is it the exam question or ICAN which is a circumstance you cannot control?
-Or your response to the exams which is within your control as long you have studied.

So, stop focusing your energy on your fear which makes it grow. Focus on your revision and solve as many past questions and answers.

Still, want to write in the Nov 2024 Diet Exams even though it is one paper and overcome that fear of failure? You have to decide now. Call or Chat Admin on 08082366372, 08106989785

Or click on the below link

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