Timothy Here Again,
How was your weekend? I want to use this opportunity to say congratulations to Laycoon fans for the landslide win. I am also glad that it is finally over so that you can concentrate on your studies without any form of distraction.
Sincerely, I know that if you wrote exams in September 2020, you will be expecting your result before you can determine the paper to write next. Well, a new date has been released for the next exams, the question that will be rolling in your mind is What happens to next? Especially to you who are yet to see your MARCH/JULY 2020 Diet RESULT?
Like it was said in the information that was passed by ICAN, the exams that will be written December 8-10, 2020, are not dependent on the March/July 2020 Diet result. That is, it is strictly meant for students who have planned to write November from the beginning of this year.
However, if you wrote the March/July 2020 Diet exams and
-You are very sure of what you wrote,
-You are so sure too that you followed all my exam tips
-You answered the questions based on the examiner’s requirement.
Then, you can start studying for November Diet exams. Join our telegram class that will be starting 5th of October, 2020. Click on the below link to join
However, to ensure that you get the best out of the class, we have structured everything based on your Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos. So, get started by studying your lecture videos.
If you don’t have your Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos, Call or Chat Admin on 08082366372,08090820787, 08106989785, 08055828090, 08085835127
Or click on the below link
to get started immediately before you run out of time.
Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu, FCA
PlatinumGold 360 Solutions…Your Online, Offline ICAN Lectures Center in Nigeria With World Wide Service Delivery & Highest Passing Rate At One Sitting, Even If You Have Failed Before or Just Starting.