Timothy Here Again,
Frankly, inherent in every human is a positive nature and a negative nature. The positive is expressed through empathy, faith, love, hope etc. In contrast, the negative part of us is expressed through fear, procrastination, doubt, etc.
However, our focus is going to be on the positive aspect as it relates to passing your ICAN exams.
That is, after your labour of studying, if you believe in yourself and control any negative thoughts towards the exams, then your success in the exams will be right.
It is the right mental attitude that seeks good in all the occurrences of life and extracts strength, knowledge and wisdom from them.
Right thoughts are thoughts of cheer, joy, hope, confidence, of courage, of constant love, of large generosity, of faith and trust. These are affirmations that make strong characters. That build-up personal character which makes up the progress of the world.
Such thoughts are inevitably followed by the right action, by putting effort and energy into work in the accomplishment of some legitimate goal.
If you are among those writing the Nov 2024 Diet, I want to thank you for your continuous effort toward your accomplishment. You will definitely make it.
Just be calm and be optimistic by concentrating your energy on the positive only so that negative energy won’t fill up the void.
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Wishing you all the best in your exams…
Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu, FCA
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