If you are waiting for the perfect condition and convenient time, you will wait for a long time.

Timothy Here Again,

What does failure mean?

When you fail in certain life activities, Does it mean that you have failed in life? Or it mean that you are not doing well in some particular areas so you need to change your methods and approach?

Failure is a journey to success.

So, if you are thinking about abandoning your ICAN Exams or postponing it to another diet, this is okay.

It is your choice.

You have the divine right to make decisions and face the consequences which may not be in your favour.

According to Jim Rohn, everything affects everything. That is, if you decide to postpone or abandon a major project that could transform your life, likewise will you abandon other similar projects that will positively impact your life.

Hence, the choice is yours, either to dust your note and start all over again and write this May exams even if it is just one course or you remain in your cocoon forever.

Sincerely, your inner mind will always; your spirit will always remind you anytime you want to go for a big project. Your conscience will remind you of the abandoned projects and how playful you are. I have been there, so I know this.

Get started, decide now and get your Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos. Because, if you are waiting for the perfect condition; perfect opportunity; perfect and convenient time, you will wait for a very long time for such does not exist at all.

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Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu, FCA

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