I understand your busy schedule… your mind at exam alert status…

Timothy Here Again,

The support class continues today and it is going to be for Corporate Reporting 7:00pm to 9:00pm and Performance Management 8:00pm to 10:00pm. More of the reasons why you must not miss in joining the class is that there is no cluster of any form of posts and because all posts are geared towards your exam success.

So, if you are yet to join our telegram class then you are leaving your exam success to chance and luck which is not within your control.

That aside, in my years of experience, I observed that the method adopted by several ICAN students, especially the busy ones, is actually against the law of nature.

Here is why…

Nature replenishes herself every day. That is, she works daily without giving any excuse of how earth activities are affecting her schedule. Even you, when you don’t sleep for days, a lot of unimaginable things will happen to your body. Hence, you eat every day, you do exercise to have sound health and mind.

Similarly, when it boils down to your exam preparation, why are you not consistent with it? You will study 4hours this week, then study for another 5hours after 2weeks on the ground that you have a busy schedule. I understand that you have a busy schedule. However, you should never allow it to affect your studies.

So, studying daily for 1hour goes along way to help you remember anything that you have already read and also create the success habit needed for your exam success because:

  1. It keeps your body and mind at an exam alert status.
  2. You won’t forget anything that you have read.
  3. It helps you create an Exam Success habit.
  4. It stimulates your brain and you will be able to see through The Examiner’s eye, tricks and techniques.

Still want to your body and mind at an exam alert status to pass your exams in May 2021 Diet? Get your Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos ➕ Q&A and start studying for 1hour daily. Call or Chat Admin on 08082366372, 08090820787, 08106989785, 08055828090, 08085835127

Or click on the below link

Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu, FCA

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