Timothy Here Again,
Do long hours of study signify that you really understand what you are doing, which includes assimilation and association of concepts and principles?
As a student, there are times you try to study thoroughly and after 30 minutes your brain shuts down. Nothing goes in nothing comes out. The most painful aspect is that you will now engage in self-denial by still continuing to study despite your inability to assimilate again, just to tell the world that you have studied for hours.
Humm… Ironically isn’t it?
A classical example was Godwin who called me in September 2018 that he was having issue passing the ICAN Skill Level after several hours of study. According to him, he studies 3 to 4 hours per day. I was wowed by his zeal of long hours of study. However, I am a human and I have pass-through this process, so I can tell what the real issue was after asking a few questions.
So, I probed further by asking him to sincerely answer this question. “When does your brain stop assimilating?” He took a deep breath before responding. He said that 30 minutes after that time he will just be reading, nothing sticks after that time and if anything sticks, it will eventually fizzle away.
As a result, I recommended that he should:
- Get your Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos ➕ Q&A. As a busy student with titanic of responsibilities, it will help you to ease the 3 tiers of studying which are reading and understanding the words and grammatical expression before going into the next stages of assimilation and association of concepts. This process takes time.
- Pomodoro Technique: take 10 to 15 minutes break after 30-40 minutes of study. Usually, it is advisable to leave your study environment and take a walk. You can drink water or eat chocolate to stimulate your brain. NO USE OF PHONE OR CHECKING OF EMAIL. NO SOCIAL MEDIA
- Due to his busy work schedule, I advised him to write 2 or 3 papers per diet according to his readiness.
- Since the physical is a manifestation of what has happened in the spiritual. I gave him a confession that will assist him to have faith in himself and faith in God, that he will always excel every diet.
Currently, Godwin is now qualified. I am very much excited and happy for him because he needed to qualify before moving to the next level at his place of work which was long overdue for 5 years.
Want to Pass and move on to the next stage or Qualify like Godwin and share your testimonial? Get your Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos ➕ Q&A and follow the above steps.
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Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu, FCA
PlatinumGold 360 Solutions… Your Online, Offline ICAN Lectures Center in Nigeria With World Wide Service Delivery & Highest Passing Rate At One Sitting, Even If You Have Failed Before or Just Starting