How your inner thoughts affect your outer world of ICAN Exams

Timothy Here Again, As we start our Classes for ICAN November Diet on October 5th, 2020, I want you to prepare your mind and be positive about the exams. This is because, in my years of experience, I observed that at the beginning of the diet, a lot of students were already defeated through their…

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One common question I get asked by ICAN Students

Timothy Here Again, It is a fresh cold day in Lagos because it has been raining for a while now. As every second, minute, hour or day goes by, the exam date gets closer. Likewise, as the revision gets closer, I was bombarded with several questions regarding the Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos, because it…

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Are you gonna leave your success (and hard earned money) to chance this diet?

Timothy Here Again, Yesterday our support class started and I am very excited because of the massive response from students. It really showed that students are ready to take the bull by the horn. The support class continues today with Taxation – 7pm to 9pm and SFM – 7pm to 9pm. Similarly, I announced the…

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Now is your best time to plant your ICAN Lecture Tree

Timothy Here Again, Today is another TGIF and I know that some people are excited that they are going into the weekend because for the next 2 days there won’t be any form of stress in terms of traffic and inhaling of carbon monoxide from Lagos danfos. “Well, for me…when I get home, shower and…

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Join our ICAN November Diet Exams Telegram class

Timothy Here Again, How was your weekend? I want to use this opportunity to say congratulations to Laycoon fans for the landslide win. I am also glad that it is finally over so that you can concentrate on your studies without any form of distraction. Sincerely, I know that if you wrote exams in September…

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How happy will you be WHEN you pass ICAN March 2021 Diet Exam? Start your script Now

Timothy Here Again, How was your weekend? I am so sure that you used it to relax very well because virtually all businesses are resuming fully today. So, traffic activities, especially in Lagos, will definitely increase. Our March 2021 Diet support will be starting today with PSAF 7pm to 9pm and Case Study 7pm to…

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Do you have a bias against some ICAN courses?

Timothy Here Again, Today makes it 4days to the commencement of the PGOLD ICAN November Support class and I hope you are prepared. That is, you read ahead of the class by now, especially those calculation courses. As it is said that “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Your dominating Belief…

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Silver or Gold medal, which will you choose in your ICAN qualification

Timothy Here Again, Today is another fabulous TGIF and as you go into this weekend, I believe you will use it to prepare for the exams and the revision class that will commence on Monday 5th, October, 2020. As you know that our community is divided into two classes. Namely: GOLD Class SILVER Class Gold…

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Your ICAN November Diet Support Class begins today, see how to get in

Timothy Here Again, How was your weekend? I hope you used it to study very hard so as to get yourself prepared for the class that is starting today. We are launching the lectures for the next 9 weeks and we are starting with Professional Level Case Study and Skills Level Public Section Accounting and…

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The Golden rules of study that guarantee your ICAN Exams Success

Timothy Here Again, As every day goes by, you are gradually getting closer to writing your November Diet Exams and I hope you have gotten your Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos so that you can be able to study and pass within the next 60days. In your quest to qualify, is there a golden rule…

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