Is this what is holding you back from qualifying as an ICAN ACA?…

Timothy Here Again, Today is another, fresh, TGIF and I want you to go into this weekend, although it going to be a busy one because of the Sallah celebration, I want you to still take time and reflect on today’s post. Because as simple as it is, this might be what is holding you back either from…

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Hope you didn’t leave yourself behind…

Timothy Here Again, Today is another, fresh Thursday and I will make this post as brief as possible because I don’t want to waste your time. This post is just to reinforce yesterday’s post about the support class that is starting on Monday 11th July, 2022. So, if you have not joined the telegram class,…

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Re: ICAN November Diet Support Class Time Table + InnerCircle Benefits…

Timothy Here Again, As every day goes by, the commencement of the support class is getting closer and closer. If you have not gotten your lecture videos so that you can get started immediately, there is still time for you to do that. Also, the timetable for the weekly classes on Telegram is also out…

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Time is running out fast… Gain Access to our ICAN Support and Dedicated Telegram Class…

Timothy Here Again, Half of the year is gone. January was like yesterday and before you know it, Christmas trees are everywhere. This is a clear sign that you should do anything you plan on doing without hesitation, without procrastination. Time is running out fast…This year, you have put in your plan to write your ICAN…

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Know your “WHY”…

Timothy Here Again, Every action needs to be prompted by a motive_ Leonardo da VinciMotive is a reason for doing something. Without an adequate motive, no one can really achieve a worthwhile goal and objective in any life endeavour.So, when it boils down to your ICAN Exam Success, it is very important to find your motivation.…

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Gua.rant.eed to make you Pass… Act Quickly As Every second Counts in ICAN Exams…

Timothy Here Again, I often commonly get asked, “what is the guarantee that the Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos  Q&A will help me pass your ICAN exams in a sitting.”  I am sure that if you have not gotten the Videos, this might be one of the reasons why you are still hesitating. Well, just like a Sniper…

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Best time to start to have huge advantage over other ICAN Students…

Timothy Here Again, Welcome to another brand new day. A fresh new day for you to get started with the decisions that shape your life and destiny. Now, I will be frank with you. The next ICAN Exam is in 4 Months. Meaning, that you have 120days to prepare for your exam. So, the best time…

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Your mental attitude towards your ICAN Exams…

Timothy Here Again, Every serious ICAN student will be preparing early for their exams, especially those who did not pass any paper or move to the next level. There is a need to examine yourself before you get started again. Frankly, it is a fact of life that there are winners and losers. The choice…

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ICAN May Diet Result is Out… Let’s Celebrate Your Victory…

Timothy Here Again, Today is another fresh, new TGIF and I expect you to celebrate your victory because reward celebration is still part of the game. I personally encourage you to celebrate this weekend, to celebrate your victory, especially if you have been in the race for a long time. You must reward yourself for moving…

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Wake up… forget perfection…

Timothy Here Again, Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. There is no doubt that the ICAN May 2022 Exam results will be released very soon. If you are still waiting for the release before studying when in actual fact you did not write the May diet, there is…

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