Your ICAN Support Class for the May 2023 Diet is about to Start…Are you in or out?
Timothy Here Again, Frankly, this month is coming to an end. January 1st, 2023 was just like a few days ago. This clearly shows that you should do anything you plan on doing without hesitation but action to prove to yourself that you are serious this time around. Else, you will fall into the endless circle of giving…
The fact is that you are moving forward
Timothy Here Again, Today is another TGIF and it is another opportunity for you to study vehemently this weekend. In your quest to qualify, it is important that you must not give excuses regarding your exams. Even if it is just one paper you can write, you are far better than students who are waiting…
To pass your ICAN exams, you must suffer one of these 2 things
Timothy Here Again, Frankly, when it boils down to passing your ICAN in May 2023, you have 2 inescapable options. Simply put, you must choose. If you fold your hands, you have decided, when you choose one, you will face the pain. It is a must for you to undergo the pain. Pain of Discipline…
Your formula for Exam Failure…Check if you are using it
Timothy Here Again, Failure is a few errors in judgment repeated over a period of time and success is a few disciplines done over a period of time. If you hold a candle and you put your finger into the fire then remove it immediately, you won’t feel anything. But when you leave it longer…
Your May 2023 diet exam success depends on your ability to do this
Timothy Here Again, I have been encouraging you to start your studies immediately and am very glad you are taking action. However, there is something that I must bring to your notice. This is why several students will claim that they started early and still fail. Starting early does not mean that you study today…
Either you waste your time when you have the opportunities today and regret it later or you take action Now
Timothy Here Again, Frankly, If you are still looking for motivation to study, then my answer will shock you. It could influence you in some way also. So, continue reading. Imagine yourself struggling to get a job. Finally, you get an 8–5 job for which you are underpaid despite working hard all day long. Yet,…
Want to make your ICAN exam an abandoned project?
Timothy Here Again, This post is strictly for those who wrote the last ICAN Exam and did not make it. There are many students who feel like giving up especially if you have one course left to qualify or move on to the next level. I understand that it is very frustrating and demoralizing because…
Demand your exam success by doing this
Timothy Here Again, Life, in general, is for the strong at heart, it is for those who accept their mistakes and move on. It is for those who don’t blame others for their failure. It is for those who see failure as a road or journey to their success. Life is for the determined. It…
Like Kemi, Never Ever Give Up on Your ICAN Exam.
Timothy Here Again, A quitter never wins and a Winner Never Quit. Frankly, combining your exams and other personal engagements like work and family is not an easy one. Recently, Kemi, who is writing the May Diet, called me to say that she want to postpone her sitting for the exams from May Diet to…
Do This and Pass your ICAN Exams in a sitting…
Timothy Here Again, Frankly, when it comes down to achieving anything in life, discipline is very important. Because with discipline, you can create those success habits and stick to it until you achieve your goals and objectives. Unfortunately, most students hardly stick to it, which can be frustrating most times. Instead of getting frustrated with…