Do you lack the motivation to prepare for May 2024 exams? Do this to get Started Immediately

Timothy Here Again, There are lots of students who have abandoned their ICAN Exams for months, years, decades, if not more… maybe you are one of them… And… Frankly, I sincerely understand because you have really lost motivation due to personalized reasons best known to you. However, I am not here to show you the…

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Don’t easily get carried away with the enjoyment…Start your early preparation now

Timothy Here Again, I understand the fact that this is a season of merriment, it is a season of spending more time with your friends and family. It is a season of spending a quantity of time with your loved ones. However, you need to be very careful so that you won’t easily get carried…

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Rejoice with the Successful, and tap into their successes…

Timothy Here Again, Frankly, when you fail in your life endeavours, does it mean that you have failed in life? Or, does it mean you are not doing well in some particular areas, so you need to change your methods and approach? Failure is also a journey to success. So, if you are thinking about…

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Victor or Vanquished… Decide Now where you will be in May 2024

Timothy Here Again, As long as you are yet to qualify, you fall into these 2 categories. Beautiful thing is that you can find yourself in any of the categories because it depends on the choice you make. The ICAN results have been released whether you pass or fail your next line of action will…

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ICAN Exams Result is Out, Don’t Give up; Don’t Get Carried Away… It’s Not Over Until You Qualify.

Timothy Here Again, It is no longer news that the ICAN Exams result was released yesterday. What was tagged as a rumour was the true date of the release of ICAN Exam results. So, if you are among those who did not make it, especially if you have been writing one course for several diets…

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If you missed the November Diet, then This Good News is for you…

Timothy Here Again, Preparing for the ICAN Exams is not for the weak, it is not for the conquered; it is not those who give excuses and neither is it for the mediocre. Frankly, it is meant for the tough, the rugged, and the action-taker. If you participated in the last diet Exams, then this…

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When it boils down to passing your Exam with ease in 2024, you must do this now.

Timothy Here Again, December 18, 2022, was a great day all around the world with the Adrenaline World Cup final. It is one of the best if not the best World Cup final that I have seen. Over 1.1 Billion viewers were glued to their televisions with their hearts beating like a supercharger. Usually, I…

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If you lose your job without qualifying… What are your odds of getting a better one without sweat?

Timothy Here Again, Frankly, nobody prays for bad events to happen to him or her but sincerely, life is about ups and downs and this post is not targeted at undermining your worth but to point out the dangers of postponing your exams. Where you currently work or the position you hold is not forever.…

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Only if you start Now…Your imperfect Study will Guarantee your Exam Success…

Timothy Here Again, Welcome to another Mid-Week in December. I understand that you are very busy and are mostly always exhausted after the close of work. This is very understandable because there are lots of events demanding your attention, but what has to be done must be done. Just like the earth never stops rotating,…

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Your Next ICAN Exam Success Depends on this…

Timothy Here Again, “Why can’t I study properly?” This is a very big question that looms large in the minds of many ICAN students. It is possible that you have overwhelmed yourself with the way you are currently studying. Maybe you’re sitting at your desk for 8 hours straight, without taking breaks. Maybe you’re re-reading your…

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