If you don’t learn from your past exam mistakes, you are destined to repeat those mistakes again.

Timothy Here Again, When I started with my ICAN, I was confused, frustrated, and very angry because I failed Taxation twice which made them return other courses. Initially, I blamed the exam body for being unfair. But, eventually, I looked in the mirror and had to acknowledge that I could not move on until I…

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4 best ways to focus on your ICAN May Exams… Act Now Even if it is one Course…

Timothy Here Again, With your ICAN Exams getting closer every day, you seem not to focus on your studies, especially when you have a lot in the syllabus to cover. In fact, it could be very overwhelming. Frankly, focusing on your studies is one of the most important things you need to work on as…

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If you are waiting for the perfect condition and convenient time, you will wait for a long time.

Timothy Here Again, What does failure mean? When you fail in certain life activities, Does it mean that you have failed in life? Or it mean that you are not doing well in some particular areas so you need to change your methods and approach? Failure is a journey to success. So, if you are…

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Less than 4 Weeks… Your best time to study and do your revision is NOW.

Timothy Here Again, As every day passes by, your ICAN Exam gets closer. As a result, we will be looking at some tips that are not very common but crucial to the success of your next month’s exam. As you know that there are lots of tips out there to support you, but this one…

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It takes time to build study momentum…Don’t let this diet go without writing at least one paper

Timothy Here Again, At the beginning of the year, we welcome another into a prosperous new year. If you are the type that is conscious of time,  it is as if the year is still fresh, whereas we are in Q2 already. So, if you are still contemplating whether to postpone the exams again, then…

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28 Days Left…You need a little push. We all do too…

Welcome to a new, fresh, and blessed week. I know that your ICAN Exam date is now becoming faster in your eye despite the fact that nothing has really changed about the time and date. Tension is also building gradually, which is a normal feeling. I have written several posts about how to calm yourself…

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How to unleash and channel the right energy on ICAN and qualify or move on to the next level.

Timothy Here Again, There are many students who want to give up or postpone the exams again because of fear of failure or negative hearsay about the exams. Before you decide, just take a look at Israel Adesanya who defeated Alex Pereira in the UFC fight on Saturday. Although, they have met 3 times before…

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Don’t wait for the right condition…The time will never be just right…

Timothy Here Again, Don’t wait. The time will never be just right… Napoleon Hill Time is running out and I want to remind you that you should do your best to pay for and complete your ICAN Exam registration.  So, if you are serious about writing the exams, just make your payment and complete your…

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Failing To Prepare and Study for your ICAN Exams is Preparing To Fail.

Timothy Here Again, “Failing To Prepare Is Preparing To Fail” — Benjamin Franklin Frankly, it applies not only to exams but all human endeavors, especially if you are aspiring to be at the top. Aspiring to always win; aspiring to always be a conqueror. Aspiring to always achieve success in any field. So, when it…

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38 Days Left…how long do you want to keep postponing?

Timothy Here Again, Today makes it exactly 38 days to your ICAN May 2024 Diet Exams. That is, you have 1 Month and 8 days to prepare for your exams. I understand the fact that you have not decided yet, whether to register for the exams or not. Because of things demanding your attention, especially…

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