Start your early preparation and Pass…ICAN Exam fees is now becoming more expensive

Timothy Here Again, Today is another fresh new day for you, a day to decide and shape the event of your future. There is no doubt that you will be writing this Nov diet and the thing is that I don’t know why you are delaying or you are postponing your early preparation. … Because…

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From Wishes to Winnings…How can this method help you pass the ICAN exam in November?

Timothy Here Again, Today’s post is going to be a little bit different because we will be looking at passing your exams from a completely different point of view. That is, how it completely depends on your state of mind and your thoughts. As you know the inner informs the outer. Events are a stream…

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Don’t wait until it’s too late… Get started now

Timothy Here Again, A life without resolution is a life without aims, and a life without aims is a drifting and unstable thing. -James Allen After you have strategized the best plan for the year and are ready to get things done…) Because if you’re like most students… You start with the most enthusiasm in…

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Starting from today, fulfill these simple conditions and Pass your ICAN Nov. 2024 Exams

Timothy Here Again, When it comes to passing your exams with ease though nothing good comes cheap, There is this common belief that a particular student is better than the other. Also, in life generally, some people are more successful than others. Although, you might say that it is luck and chance which I agree…

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Nothing really good happens on its own…Do you want to wait until your situation gets out of hand? 

Timothy Here Again, Today is another new day, and the month of July is gradually going again. This is a clear indication that time will never wait for you, whether you are serious about doing what you are supposed to do or not. Most times you just want to hide under the illusion that everything…

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To pass your ICAN Nov. exams, you can’t escape one of these 2 pains.

Timothy Here Again, Frankly, when it boils down to passing your ICAN in November 2024, you have 2 inescapable options. There is no sitting on the fence. Simply put, you must choose. If you fold your hands, you have decided, when you choose one, you will face the pain. It is a must for you…

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As you start your early preparation, discover how to study and understand complex topics…

Timothy Here Again, This common question looms large in the mind of many students who are doing everything in their power to pass their exams despite the fact that it does not always favour them. The question is “Why can’t I study and understand Concepts very well?” This Is a very big question that looms…

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Which Paper Next in November

Timothy Here, After the result was released last week, I am very sure that students who passed from one level to another, and some others who passed partially, are contemplating and finding it difficult to know the paper combination to write because they want to write and pass the exams once and for all. Most…

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Don’t give up, Don’t get tired, Don’t get worn out…Keep pushing

Timothy here again, Frankly, no matter how many times you feel like giving up, no matter how frustrating it feels to be held by one paper, whether it is Advanced Taxation, Case Study, SFM, PM, MI you have been writing and you feel like giving up. Don’t give up, Don’t get tired and worn out……

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Rejoice with the Successful, Follow their steps and get the result they got

Timothy Here Again, Frankly, when you fail in your life endeavours, does it mean that you have failed in life? Or, does it mean you are not doing well in some particular areas, so you need to change your methods and approach? Failure is also a journey to success. So, if you are thinking about…

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