Boost Your Study Sessions with These Proven Techniques.

Timothy Here Again,

Yesterday, I sent you a post regarding how to spend quality of your study time as the exams get closer every day. So, without wasting too much time, find below how to spend quality study time within this short period of preparation.

#1. Study the most difficult material early in the day: Start the day with a plan of what to do first to give yourself a motivation booster.

Why? For most people, your brain’s peak performance happens 2-4 hours after you wake up. This is the time when your brain can focus on analytical thinking that requires the most concentration. For studying, this can be reading, writing, coding, analyzing, critical thinking, or problem-solving.

#2. Use a timer to work more effectively: A timer can help you divide up your evening into manageable increments that will allow your brain to focus in a more targeted and effective way.

#3. Visualize success during the exam: Why? This technique is called building a mental model. You imagine in detail how you expect things to go during your exam. By telling yourself a story, you train your brain to anticipate a positive outcome.

#4. Reward yourself for your efforts: Now that you’re working on boosting your motivation, give yourself a reward for all your hard work.

#5. Get enough sleep to help your brain sort out newly absorbed information.

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