Timothy Here Again,
Recently, I conducted research on why students don’t pass their exams. The reason for the intense research was due to the fact that, the ratio at which students who pass the exams vs those that fail across all courses was really not encouraging.
A lot of reasons are responsible for failure in the exams. Commonly,
- late preparation,
- fire brigade method of studying,
- complex syllabus,
- your Job demands etc
should have top the list. I tagged them as physical factors.
However, like we all know that it is mental that controls the physical. Whatever you want to do or achieve, will first be conceived in your mind. Hence, the bulk of the reasons why students don’t make it in their exams are more of psychological factors. Top of the list include the following:
- ICAN Qualification Goal settings: We are all goal-driven by nature. So, when you want to write your exams, there is the need to set your goal which is, to qualify at so and so date /diet. Please commit it to paper, which you can always see every day.
The goal which is to qualify will not change but your strategy can change from time to time. However, you may say that ‘I have done that before, but it did not work for me’. Please don’t conclude yet, let’s proceed to the next act.
- Doubt, Procrastination and Fear: These 3 destructive cousins have held more people back from not only passing their exams, but also from progressing in life generally. This is a state of mind where you doubt everything about your exams.
- This starts with you doubting yourself.
- You doubt registering for the exams until the last minute,
- Your docile participation in the Telegram Class,
- You Doubt how the Simplified and Comprehensive Video Lectures will help you pass despite obvious shreds of evidence from others who have used them to become ACAs.
- Cynicism: This is counter-productive because you cannot dread an exam you are writing, how can you say that they (ICAN) are deliberately holding you back? How can you say that they like to fail students? Those statements are self-defeating because a negative attitude towards the exam body will never bring you success and triumph. So STOP IT NOW
- Lack of Persistence, Aggressiveness and Continuous Action: These 3 qualities are very key in the attainment of not only your ICAN qualification but for the attainment of any success in life. That is, you must never give up that easily. If your first approach failed, you must be willing to look for as many alternatives as possible. So, have you tried the simplified and comprehensive Video Lectures and All its Support benefits?
- Excuse: This is a wolf hidden in sheep clothing. It can be lack of funds, a busy schedule etc. Life throws a lot at you. So, you don’t have to be stereotyped. If you work and close late Mondays to Saturdays, while your lectures hold Saturdays and Sundays. This means that you can only attend lectures on Sundays. That. if you are not worn out already.
As a result, you will blame your work that puts food on the table for both you and your family. You know yourself, you just have to do whatever it takes. Another example is the fact that, you don’t have a study centre in your location, as a result, you are now praying and waiting to be transferred when there are several alternatives like the simplified and comprehensive Video Lectures which is available on both Android and Laptop so that you can study at any time and day.
According to Socrates, an unexamined life is not worth living. Hence, you need to cross-examine yourself against all the above 5 factors and see which one is really affecting you thereby manifesting in the way you are currently preparing for the exams.
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Tim Jibodu, FCA
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