Why praying for the prize?

Timothy Here Again, The best compensation for any endeavour in life is the ability to do more. That is, to go beyond your limit (as you know it), excuses and comfort zone to study and pass your exams whether you have failed before or you are just starting. Yesterday evening after posting into our different…

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What to do when you’re aboard Airforce One with Terrorists…

Timothy Here Again, After yesterday’s hectic work, I closed in the evening then went home to unwind. Although, there was no traffic because most Lagosians that travelled for the festive season have not fully returned to Lagos. So, immediately I go home, I just turned the TV and immediately turned it into the movie channel…

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Your life is made up of time and season… not procrastination

Timothy Here Again, I understand that this is a season of merriment. A season of spending more time with your friends and family. It is a season spending quantity of time with your loved ones. However, you need to be very careful so that you won’t get carried away with enjoyment. This is because the…

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A Question to ask yourself before doing anything

Timothy Here Again, The path to wisdom is the highest way, the way in which all doubts, fear and uncertainties, whether in your job or career ladder, are dispelled to realize surety. Before you attain the wisdom needed to get anything you want in life, you must be able to exercise self-control through the conscious…

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A visit to the Ant (and a recent survey), reveals 7 ways to overcome failure in ICAN Exams

Hello Colleague, Tim Here Again, Compliment of the season. You cannot get your desired result in your ICAN exams if you are still doing the same thing. Life is a mixture of accomplishments and failures, it is a combination of positive and negative. When you experience the negative, like failing the exams, it’s a sign…

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The iceberg is melting, your ICAN March 2021 action is Now

Timothy Here Again, Welcome to a new fresh week and I am so sure that you enjoyed your weekend, though it might look very short in the spirit of the festive season we are. Initially, when the talk about the second wave of Covid-19 Pandemic began, most of us did not take it seriously until…

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ACA – The joy of accomplishment is a memorable feeling, join Planet PGold hall of fame

ACA – The joy of accomplishment is a memorable feeling, join Planet PGold hall of fame Timothy Here Again, Today is really a happy day. The joy of accomplishment is a memorable feeling. It is a feeling of “you went, you saw and you conquered.” During the English 2020 premiership season that was won by…

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Even in festive mood, do what Chidi did, when time and tide run in your favour

Timothy Here Again, Yesterday, the ICAN 66th Induction Ceremony ended on a superb note. And I want to use this opportunity to thank those who took their time to send me their induction pictures (and if you are an inducted ACA, but has not sent in your own Induction pictures, just send it to platinumstaff11@gmail.com),…

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Habits affecting your ICAN Exams success…?

Timothy Here Again, As a student Preparing to write ICAN exams, you are a subject to the law of habits. You did not make life and its laws. You only find yourself involved in them and you can understand and obey them. You, in the nature of things, are a being of habit and this…

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Understanding key concepts matters in ICAN Exam

Timothy Here Again, You cannot know all. The point is to understand the key concepts and clarification. How was your weekend? I hope you used it to study and revise very as the ICAN exam draws closer, precisely starting December 8th, 2020 (which is 13days time.) Over the weekend, I met with the ICAN Performance…

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