Timothy Here Again,
Yesterday our support class started and I am very excited because of the massive response from students. It really showed that students are ready to take the bull by the horn. The support class continues today with Taxation – 7pm to 9pm and SFM – 7pm to 9pm.
Similarly, I announced the ICAN NEWEST AND MOST UPDATED SIMPLIFIED AND COMPREHENSIVE LECTURE VIDEOS yesterday and I hope you have gotten your own videos. If you are yet to get yours, call or Chat Admin on 08082366372, 08090820787, 08106989785, 08055828090, 08085835127
However, If you are yet to get the latest and updated video that is based on the newest ICAN syllabus, then you are leaving your success to chance. Also, you won’t be able to participate in the support classes because starting from next week.
Precisely, we would have moved those who have the ICAN updated and newest videos into a new class on Telegram that is meant strictly for March 2021 Diet support class only. Such serious Student will get the maximum support they need to pass at a sitting and accelerate their ICAN QUALIFICATION.
The question is ARE YOU in or you are out. Are you ready to invest in yourself by getting your copy of the latest and updated ICAN Comprehensive and Simplified Lecture Videos? Or you still want to sit on the fence and expect something for nothing? The choice is Yours to make.
Want to invest in yourself by getting your most updated ICAN syllabus Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos ➕ Q&A, call or Chat Admin on 08082366372, 08090820787, 08106989785, 08055828090, 08085835127
Or click on the below link
Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu, FCA