Timothy Here Again,
Welcome to a new, fresh and blessed week. As you know, as every day goes by, your ICAN Exam is getting closer and closer…
So, what will be on your mind now is how can you study hard with full concentration 3-6 hours every day without getting tired or burning out?
I am not saying that this is not possible, however, with the several things demanding your attention, find below some useful actionable steps that could help you study effectively and pass your exams.
1. All your hours are not going to be equally productive. Most people have 45mins–3hours a day that are much better than the rest. My impression is that for most students, those premium hours are the first hours of study you put in on any given day.
So, identify the course you want to study that requires high mental energy and work on it during your best hours.
2. Sometimes you hit a point where you can’t make progress on your studies again. Don’t keep forcing yourself. Drop it and do something that clears your mind.
3. When your mental strength starts to weaken after your best hours, switch to the easier stuff. For example, you can spend the best hours on solving hard courses like SFM or PM. Then I spend the worse hours reviewing material that I’ve already cemented in the past.
4. Sometimes you have one of those days when you are blazing through everything you work on and you feel like you could go forever. Enjoy it, but be careful. If you kill your mind that day, it might be harder to come back the next day and keep going.
5. Don’t sacrifice sleep to reach your hours goal. Even better, if you hit a point where you can’t function efficiently because you’re tired, take a nap so that you can refresh.
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Tim Jibodu, FCA
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