A token of appreciation from John N… who went from failure to success in ICAN Exams

Timothy Here Again,

Rejoice with others so that they can rejoice with you too. This is because what goes around comes around; everything in nature is linked and interconnected.

Yesterday, I received this well-appreciated piece of testimonial from one of our Planet PGOLD members who passed his exams last diet. His name is John Nwokolo and his testimonial goes thus;

“I registered for ICAN Examination in May 2018 precisely skills level where I passed all the Skills papers in that diet then proceeded to the professional level in November, 2018 diet where I wrote all the 5 papers.

I passed all four papers except for Advanced Taxation. Initially, I felt the next Diet will just be easy for me to scale through until I used the whole of 2019 to write the same Advanced Taxation.

Although, I have been receiving emails from PlatinumGold 360 Solution precisely from Mr. Timothy all this while. I did not even know that they were very close to me, because I only read his thought-provoking and never-give-up daily post.

I even pass the front of their office on my way to work sometimes because their office is around my vicinity. Until I failed Advanced Taxation in March 2020 Diet, then I went to check my email in that evening. I did not even bother to search for it because I know he would have sent me an email.

So, I opened the email then called one of the office lines to make an enquiry about the Video Android Version. Afterwards, I requested for the office address and when I was told 13, Joseph Street, I chuckled because the street is my route to work daily.

The Videos were installed on my phone and I started going through it immediately as time was no longer on my side again. With the confidence and faith, Mr Timothy said that we should exhibit, I went into the exam hall with the confidence that IT IS DONE. When the result came out on January 14th 2021, I passed my Advanced Taxation.

Without delay or procrastination, I had to show my gratitude by going to their office the following day with a token of appreciation.

PlatinumGold 360 Solutions you guys are the best, I really appreciate all your effort in ensuring that I qualify. God will bless all your effort.” John Nwokolo, the lastest ACA in town.

I’m sure your ICAN Success Testimony is next…

That is not all, click on the below link to see some of our students who passed their exams in Nov 2020 Diet.

Want to pass your exams in May whether you have written the exams before or you are just starting? Get your Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos ➕ Q&A. Call or Chat Admin on 08082366372, 08090820787, 08106989785, 08055828090, 08085835127

Or click on the below link

Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success,
Tim Jibodu, FCA

PlatinumGold 360 Solutions… Your Online, Offline ICAN Lectures Center in Nigeria With World Wide Service Delivery & Highest Passing Rate At One Sitting, Even If You Have Failed Before or Just Starting.

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