Timothy Here Again,
Frankly, you cannot really get your desired result if you are still doing the same thing. The habit and adopting the same method of study, still doing things that have always prevented you from passing. Furthermore, life is a mixture of accomplishment and failure.
Life is a combination of positive and negative. However, when you experience negative, like failing the exams, is normal. It is a part of life and you must learn to handle the failure, don’t ignore it. You don’t have to live with it, dwell with it but handle it.
One of the ways of handling failure is to first identify the problems that lead to such negative result. A recent survey carried out on over 500 students revealed the below common problems and the practical experienced solution applicable to them. That is, our years of experience used in helping students with common problems to qualify. They include:
- Time: Most students complained about time factor. That is, there is no enough time for them to study. Frankly, everybody from young to old, successful to the unsuccessful students, have the same 24 Wonderful Hours. The question is how often do you spend it? Do you spend it on social media, music channels, TGIF or Owambe?
- Complex Syllabus: It depends on your perception. The syllabus has been structured and broken down into topics and sub-topics for your easy perusal. ICAN even went ahead to categorise them by percentages in the syllabus. So, you must understand the connectivity of each topic.
- Complex Formulae: It is the requirement of the exams. Let us be serious about it. According to scientists, we are only using 2% to 5% of our brain. That is, the human brain capacity is so large that even the world’s no 1 supreme super-computer is no match for it.
Hence, thinking that the formulae are complex, is a self-limitation. Come to think of it, those who moved to the next level or qualified don’t have 2 heads or superhuman brain.
- Nature of Job: You cannot blame your job because it is your means of livelihood. Without it, your family, friends and the community will not recognise you. So, you need it to live as a fulfilled human being in this world. Hence, you will have to devise a flexible means to accommodate your job and the exams. It is a must if you are serious about making progress in your life.
- Inability to properly interpret questions: From experience, you cannot interpret a question when you don’t understand the topic. If you are the type that cram then passing is left to chance. However, you can overcome this through constant studying and deliberately opening your mind to understand the topic.
- Lack of materials: It is not really a lack of material, but a lack of discipline to focus and use it to pass your exams instead of looking for other materials that will confuse your mind. The simplified and comprehensive Video Lectures have been designed to help you overcome this hurdle. Over the past years, it has produced over 4,000 Chartered Accountants according to research.
Want to pass your May 2021 Diet Exams? Get your Simplified and Comprehensive Lecture Videos ➕ Q&A. Call or Chat Admin on 08082366372, 08090820787, 08106989785, 08055828090, 08085835127
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Dedicated to Your ICAN Exam Success
Tim Jibodu, FCA
P.S. According to the Holy Books “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise.” If you put an obstacle in the path of an ant, it will not go back, instead, it will find all possible and alternative paths. It must find a way to get to where it will get food, even when it will require more resources.
So, why are you yet to take action regarding the simplified and comprehensive Video Lectures because if you fail or postpone this diet again, what excuse will you give? Unlike Ants, which has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.
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