…that makes your ICAN Exams A Stress-free Success
Timothy Here,
There’s nothing more important than our good health –
that’s our principal capital asset. Arlen Specter
Recent research revealed that 75% of people don’t take care of their health. I would have loved to tell you the reason but that is not what we will be looking at in this post. Recently, Olatunji Oladele came across us regarding the ICAN E-Class Videos and he was excited about it but he expressed his concern not on the video but in his ability to go through it. This reason was his poor health lifestyle. According to him “such video will make him sleep.“ Hence this means that he is tired, does not take a break during working hours. In short, he does not take good care of his health which is one of the most important things to anybody.
In today’s post, we will be looking at 3 health habit required for your exam success.
1. Eat breakfast and Drink Water. Start your day off right with a good meal when you get up. Whether you’re rolling out of bed. Drinking enough water can help boost your concentration. Make sure to keep hydrated as you go through your day by bringing water with you. However, you need to limit the intake of sugar and caffeine. Beverages may not fill you up, but they sure can help fatten you up and have a detrimental effect on your overall health.
2. Exercise: Fitting exercise into a busy schedule isn’t always the easiest thing, but take stock of some of these tips to help you get on track to fitness. Stretch first. This Help yourself avoid injuries by stretching each time you exercise. Simple stretches before and after you work out or engage in physical activity can help keep you active and pain-free. Another exercise method is to get yourself motivated to exercise is to make it a game by playing a sport. Similarly, while taking public transportation or driving might be quicker, however walking will give you a chance to stretch your legs, burn some calories.
3. Managing your Stress: If you get yourself in the habit of studying, working out, and sleeping at certain hours, it will be easier to fit in all the things you need to do in a day without feeling too stressed out. Also, you can’t work all the time-fun and relaxation have to be part of your routine as well. Limit the times when you will work to give yourself time to sleep and rest up so you won’t get sick. Furthermore, if you’ve been working steadily for hours, give your eyes and mind a chance for a rest by taking a break. You can come back feeling more refreshed and ready to go.
Dedicated to your ICAN Exams Success
Tim Jibodu FCA, ACTI